canadiary Vancouver

Diary of Events and Happenings in Vancouver, BC.

Moonlight & Magnolias at Metro Theatre

Friday 26 April 2024 - Step right up for the Metro Theatre's grand finale of the season! Brace yourselves for an uproarious comedy that guarantees uproarious laughter and endless entertainment! Picture this: the iconic David O. Selznick, knee-deep into the filming of 'Gone With the Wind', suddenly realizes the script is a disaster and the director he hired is clueless. With just five days to salvage the production before it shuts down, David hastily replaces them and restarts the shoot. Enter a fresh-faced film director, still wrapping up 'The Wizard of Oz', and a renowned screenwriter. The three of them embark on a whirlwind week-long journey to wrangle Margaret Mitchell's mammoth 1,037-page novel into a coherent screenplay. Their solution? Acting out the roles of Scarlett, Rhett Butler, Prissy, and the gang themselves! It's a side-splitting spectacle you won't forget! The Metro Theatre April 26th - May 18th, 2024 - Event Details