canadiary Vancouver

Diary of Events and Happenings in Vancouver, BC.

Lux Dance Lego

Choice (Letting go of holding on)Lux. Dance Company: Lego$25.00 Lux. Dance Company presents Lego - A gathering of friends, a gift of love a celebration of life. At the Annex June 12 to 14, 2015.More details Date and time June 12 2015, 8:00 p.m.Location Annex, 823 Seymour Street near Robson Vancouver Contact Email contact604.355.8917 lux.About lux.The word lux is derived from the latin word meaning ""light"". It is a Canadian professional dance company- founded and directed by Moses Asher Christen- that incorporates all styles with a focus on contemporary jazz and street jazz. lux's focus is: - to create high-quality original productions - to offer paid work to dancers worldwide - to physically push dancers to reach their full potential - and, most importantly, to help dancers find clarity in their lives with who they are as people, not just in dance.. Event Details. Location: 823 Seymour Street